“The best thing about a picture is that it never changes, even when the people in it do. ”

Don't forget home movies and videotapes!
Save Your Photos Month - Day 4: Don't forget home movies and videotapes!
Moving pictures, even without sound, tell compelling family stories. Many families have been making home movies for several generations now. You should ensure these movies are counted among the photo memories you are saving!

Your family photos live in other homes too!
There are more photos of your family than just the ones you have.
We all take lots of photos of the family, especially when we get together with extended family during holidays and big family events and adventures. Of course, other members of your family are taking lots of photos at these gatherings too.

Mini-course: Three simple things you can do today to organize your digital photos
Do you feel overwhelmed with how many photos are on your phone? Do you feel like you are ‘behind’ on making your family photo albums, and you might never catch up? How about 3 tips for getting your photo clutter under control, so you can easily find, share and enjoy your memories?

My digital photos are EVERYWHERE!
Are your digital photos all over the web? Make a list of all the places you have digital photos. Include old phones, computers, memory cards, and CDs/DVDs. Add usernames and passwords to photo websites where you've uploaded pictures.

Mini-course: How to stop photo-procrastinating
Having recently conducted a survey of the things people procrastinate about, Photo Organizing podcasters Fiona Staff and Chantal Imbach found that 97% of respondents have procrastinated organizing their precious family photos. https://SaveYourPhotos.org