My digital photos are EVERYWHERE!
Computers, phones, cameras, and the internet all hold your digital photos
Does this sound like your digital photo life? I have digital photos stored in or on -
Compact Discs (CDs), DVDs, Blu-Ray Discs (and even some floppy discs!)
Thumb drives, external hard drives, and hard drives pulled from old computers before they went to recycle.
Old digital cameras and the memory cards they used.
Several computers we use today.
Several old computers that haven’t seen a power cord in years.
Our phones (and their predecessors sitting in a drawer).
Then there are the various online photo and storage services we have used over the years -
Microsoft OneDrive
Amazon Prime Photos
Google Photos
Apple iCloud
You may have used other online photo sharing services such as Dropbox, Flickr, Imgur, ThisLife, Instagram, 500px, PhotoBlog, Canon Irista, Zenfolio, ImageShack, or any of the dozens of others that have come and gone in the last 20 years.
Don’t forget the photo printing sites that let you store photos, such as Shutterfly, Snapfish, Bartell Drugs, Walmart, Costco Photo, Walgreens, and more.
And then there are the photos sitting in your email, on social media sites, and online backup services.
And of course, we all know there are copies of copies of copies on these various services, as well as the ‘one and only’ copy sitting in the midst of all the copies on each of these places.
Since you started listing out the physical locations of your photos yesterday, today you should start listing out all of the digital locations, especially the passwords for all of the online services where the photos live.
It’s a big job, but the work is worth it to ensure your Family Photo Legacy can be enjoyed by everyone in your family! The stories your photos tell are the stories your family can relive any time you look at the photos together.
If you want help with this project, The Picture Org (anizer) can get you going on your way to an organized and enjoyable Family Photo Legacy! Contact us at today!