“The best thing about a picture is that it never changes, even when the people in it do. ”

The 3-2-1 Backup Strategy - #SaveYourPhotosMonth
Use the 3-2-1 backup strategy to safeguard your digital files. Create THREE copies of your digital data (photos, videos, documents, etc.) stored on TWO different types of media or devices (a computer and an external hard drive, for example), with ONE copy located off-site (another physical location or the cloud). #SaveYourPhotos2020

Create a Digital Photo Hub - #SaveYourPhotosMonth
Your digital photo hub is a designated location, such as an external hard drive, where all your original digital and scanned photos live. Copy your digital photos and videos from all your various devices including phones, camera cards, USB sticks, etc. Then begin to sort by date or theme, or whichever organizing structure you've determined. As you scan prints, add those image files to the hub. #SaveYourPhotos2020

Back Up the Mess - #SaveYourPhotosMonth
Before you begin sorting your digital images, back up the mess. Then no matter what happens while you're organizing in the working copy, you'll have a copy of the original files. #SaveYourPhotos2020

The Two-Second Rule - #SaveYourPhotosMonth
As you sort your photos, resist the urge to reminisce and linger; there will be plenty of time for that later. Hold a photo only as long as it takes to determine which pile it should be in - about two seconds. #SaveYourPhotos2020

Make Good Choices - #SaveYourPhotosMonth
When you choose photo organizing software, you need to consider your comfort level with technology, your operating system, your time, and most importantly, your lifestyle - how will you access and maintain your photos? #SaveYourPhotos2020